四、 以Postscript光栅格式输出位图
设备选项中选Postscript device ADI 4.3 – by Autodesk. IncSupported models:
1.300 dpi
2.600 dpi
3.1270 dpi
4.2540 dpi
Enter selection, 1 to 4 <1>: 2
Do you want color output? <N> 是否要彩色输出
Some Postscript devices require a special ^Z (control-Z) character
at the end of the file.
Do you wish to append a ^Z? <N> 是否把Ctrl-Z设为文件结束标记
Adobe recommends that a special ^D (control-D) character be added
at the end of the file if the Adobe Standard Protocol is used.
Do you wish to append a ^D? <N>
If you have a roll-fed plotter with Level 2 Postscript you may want
to limit the paper used to the selected ACAD paper size.
Do you wish to limit the paper used? <N> y是否限制纸张大小
Specify port: (选择输出的端口,注意勿与鼠标等冲突)
<S>erial port (Local).
<P>arallel port (Local).
<N>etwork port.
What is your Postscript device connected to? <S>