找到xx:\Program Files\ACAD2000\SUPPORT\Acad.pgp 然后用写字板打开将出现下面的信息:
; AutoCAD Program Parameters File For AutoCAD 2000
; External Command and Command Alias Definitions
; Copyright (C) 1997-1999 by Autodesk, Inc.
; Each time you open a new or existing drawing, AutoCAD searches
; the support path and reads the first acad.pgp file that it finds.
; -- External Commands --
; While AutoCAD is running, you can invoke other programs or utilities
; such Windows system commands, utilities, and applications.
; You define external commands by specifying a command name to be used
; from the AutoCAD command prompt and an executable command string
; that is passed to the operating system.
; -- Command Aliases --
; You can abbreviate frequently used AutoCAD commands by defining
; aliases for them in the command alias section of acad.pgp.
; You can create a command alias for any AutoCAD command,
; device driver command, or external command.
。。。 (有省略)
; Exceptions to the rules include AA for Area, T for Mtext, X for Explode.