9. 1152 x 900 (Sun standard)
10. 1600 x 1280 (Sun hi-res)
11. User-defined
Enter selection, 1 to 11 <1>: 9
You can export the drawing in any of the following raster file
formats. Please select the format you prefer.
1. Microsoft Windows Device-independent Bitmap (.BMP) (生成以Bmp为扩展名的图形文件、
2. TrueVision TGA Format
3. Z-Soft PCX Format
4. TIFF (Tag Image File Format)
Enter selection, 1 to 4 <1>: 4
The export file can be created as a monochrome or color image.(选择输出图片色位,可用
1. Monochrome
2. Color - 16 colors
3. Color - 256 colors
Enter selection, 1 to 3 <3>: 3
You can specify the background color to be any of AutoCAD's 256 standardcolors. The
default of 0 selects a black screen background.
Enter selection, 0 to 255 <0>(选择图形背景颜色,缺省是黑色)
Sizes are in Inches and the style is landscape
Plot origin is at (0.00,0.00)
Plotting area is 1024.00 wide by 768.00 high (MAX size)
Plot is NOT rotated
Hidden lines will NOT be removed
Plot will be scaled to fit available area
Do you want to change anything? (No/Yes/File)<N>: